We understand that when people experience financial hardship or crisis that all too often it can result in them missing out on important opportunities which can transform their lives. Here at the British Gymnastics Foundation, we are committed to opening doors for people who are experiencing exceptionally difficult times. Our work in the area of hardship has two strands:
Our Hardship Grants Programme provides financial assistance to British Gymnastics members to help them continue participating in gymnastics.
Life changing gymnastics projects for people who are most in need such as leadership programmes helping people on the road to a career in sport
So whether you are a member of British Gymnastics and are struggling to continue with your passion for gymnastics, or you are in real need of a life-changing kick-start and think that gymnastics might be the answer the British Gymnastics Foundation can help.
Grant Application
Our Hardship Grants programme provides financial support to enable British Gymnastics members to continue to be involved in gymnastics through exceptionally difficult times. Current individual members can apply for hardship funding including gymnasts, coaches and volunteers.
We do not have a date confirmed for our next round of grants, but please email us at: [email protected] if you would like us to contact you when the date of our next round is confirmed. Applications can be for as little as £20, but grants awarded will not usually exceed £500.
Hardship Grants Programme
Contact Us
If you're not a member of British Gymnastics, but are an individual or perhaps a community group that is experiencing exceptionally difficult times there may be a way that you or your community can benefit from our support whether it is through gymnastics leadership courses, gymnastics classes or even inspirational gymnastics experiences.
Please fill in the form below to tell us about your situation and how you think that gymnastics could transform your life or the community you live in: