
Disability Hardship Grant Round – NOW OPEN


Hardship Grants for Disabled British Gymnastics Members

Who can apply for a Hardship Grant in this special funding round?

The grants in this round are only open to current disabled British Gymnastics members who are in significant financial hardship, causing them to be at risk of dropping out of gymnastics. We are very pleased to announce that we have £11,500 available to specifically support disabled British Gymnastics members in this round, and we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to The Peter Harrison Foundation for their most generous grant which has already enable us to support dozens of disabled members who are at risk of dropping out of gymnastics for financial reasons. As the Peter Harrison Foundation funding is restricted to disabled BG Members, non-disabled BG members are ineligible to apply in this round.

What is a hardship grant and when can I apply for one?

The Hardship Grants Programme is an initiative from the British Gymnastics Foundation and was initially designed to provide financial assistance to British Gymnastics members to help them continue participating in gymnastics through times of significant financial hardship. We have worked hard to make more funds available to deliver this special round of funding which supports disabled British Gymnastics members suffering financially in these difficult times. The grants can be used to help pay for the future costs of participating in gymnastics for individual participants. Applications can be made on the British Gymnastics Foundation website at britishgymnasticsfoundation.org/how-we-can-help/hardship/.

Applications will open on 7th March at 12noon; and will remain open until midnight on 20th March.

British Gymnastics Foundation will NOT fund any of the following in this grants round:

  • British Gymnastics members who are deemed to be financially capable of/or have the means to fund their involvement in gymnastics.
  • Non-disabled British Gymnastics Members
  • Any person who has made a false claim in the past.
  • Gymnasts in receipt of UK Sport Lottery funding.
  • British Gymnastics staff members.

It is extremely important that as a gymnastics community, we are all there to support those who are most in need and at risk of dropping out of gymnastics completely. We treat fraudulent claims very seriously and we strongly urge those who have the means to get back to gymnastics, to not apply as doing so may result in charity funds not being available to support someone else who is in desperate need of our help.  The full Hardship Grants Criteria can be found at: https://britishgymnasticsfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/BGF-Hardship-User-guide-for-CRM-Portal.pdf

Once you have applied, what happens next?

At the end of March and in early April, we will be working hard to review all applications for funding; aiming to review all applications and notify each applicant of our award decision in April.

We must stress that any applications which are not completed by midnight on the 20th March 2022 (this includes a fully completed application endorsement), will not be considered for an award. We therefore strongly advise that applicants contact your endorser early to ensure your application is completed on time. If anyone has difficulty in completing their application, please contact us at: [email protected] to avoid disappointment. We will fully consider each individual case and we are committed to ensuring that no disabled British Gymnastics member drops out of gymnastics due to financial hardship.